Chemical Product

B. Construction Chemicals

At Wethjog Global Ventures Limited, we specialize in providing high-performance construction chemicals that enhance the strength, durability, and efficiency of concrete structures. Our Construction Chemicals Division is dedicated to supplying innovative, high-quality, and cost-effective solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of modern construction projects.

With a strong focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, we offer a wide range of specialized chemical products for concrete production, waterproofing, repair, and protection. Our products help contractors, developers, and engineers achieve superior structural integrity, reduced maintenance costs, and long-term durability.

Our Range of Construction Chemicals

A.Construction Chemical For Building and Concrete Works

Concrete Admixtures

Water-Reducing Admixtures (Plasticizers & Superplasticizers) – Improve workability and reduce water-cement ratio for higher strength. Accelerators & Retarders – Control setting time to meet different project requirements. Air-Entraining Agents – Enhance freeze-thaw resistance in concrete. Shrinkage-Reducing Admixtures – Minimize cracking and shrinkage in hardened concrete.

Waterproofing Solutions

Crystalline Waterproofing Agents – Deep penetration ensures long-term waterproofing of concrete. Bituminous & Liquid Waterproofing Membranes – Protects against moisture and leaks. Polyurethane & Epoxy-Based Waterproofing – Flexible solutions for tunnels, basements, and roofs. Cementitious Waterproofing Coatings – Ideal for water tanks, swimming pools, and retaining walls.

Grouts & Anchoring Solutions

Non-Shrink Cementitious Grouts – For machine bases, precast elements, and column grouting. Epoxy Grouts – High-strength, chemical-resistant anchoring solutions. Polyester Resin-Based Anchors – Perfect for structural fixing and reinforcement anchoring.

 Repair & Restoration Products

Polymer-Modified Repair Mortars – For spalled concrete, cracks, and damaged structures. Epoxy-Based Structural Repair Solutions – Ideal for high-strength repairs and bonding applications. Corrosion Inhibitors – Protect reinforcement bars from corrosive environments.

 Bonding Agents & Adhesives

Epoxy-Based Bonding Agents – Provide strong adhesion between new and old concrete. Acrylic & SBR Latex Bonding Agents – Improve flexibility and adhesion in mortar applications.

b.)  Construction chemicals for Road & Highway  

We work closely with engineers, architects, and construction firms to deliver reliable solutions that improve construction durability, efficiency and cost savings.

Waterproofing Solutions

Deep penetration ensures long-term waterproofing of sub-grade and base course. Eliminates capillary rise and water ingress to maintain dry CBR values. Enhances the use of local or insitu soils as construction materials towards saving cost.

Bonding agent

Bond loose soil and strengthen the properties to improve its load bearing capacity. Acts dust suppressant for earth road Reduces soil erosion.

 Asphaltic concrete production

Anti-stripping additive for asphalt mixes Enhances the asphaltic pavement resistance to moisture penetration Improves the bonding and stability of aggregates and bitumen.


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